May 24, 2023 09:01

Principal Newsletter 5.24.23


Race for Education


We are excited to be hosting our 16th annual school wide Race for Education Fundraiser! 

During the event your student will run laps. We are looking for sponsors for completed laps.

GivingZone, our fundraising partner, has made it easy for you to collect pledges/donations from your network of family and friends. 

PARENTS CLICK BELOW TO GET STARTED -->> Simply click the following link and choose your student to get started:

Start SHARING TODAY and we will run our laps on May 26th!


The first class to receive 100% participation will get to dump water on the teachers and staff. Newly added to the teacher list is Ms. Gonzalez!


We are still in need of water donations, please keep our students, staff, and volunteers hydrated as they run for their school!


A reminder that Friday, May 26th is a 12:30pm dismissal and there is no after school.


Volunteer Luncheon


Please join us for a Volunteer Celebration!

Thursday, June 6th at 8:30am

Our Lady of Mercy Parish Hall


As a special thanks to all our volunteers, we are hosting a breakfast to celebrate all that you have done to create a strong partnership between school and home!



Grade 8 State Science Exam


Grade  8 will be completing their Science Performance exams on Wednesday, 31st. The students will have their written exam on Monday, June 5th. Please keep the students in your thoughts and prayers as they have preparing for their Science exam along with their Earth Science and Algebra Regents exams in June.




Spring Blood Drive Results


Last Sunday, OLM's Spring Blood Drive was another success. With everyone's help, the NYBC was able to collect 70 units of blood, potentially saving 210 lives throughout the metropolitan area. The drive ran extremely smoothly, and we were able to process over 75 potential donors that responded. Thank you to everyone who donated and attempted to donate. Special thanks to the 7 donors who took the extra time to donate double units of red cells. We were especially delighted at the turnout considering that the drive took place on Mother's Day.


So far this year, OLM's total is 160 pints collected. Our summer blood drive, our last for the year, is tentatively scheduled for Sunday, August 13.


Step-Up and Graduation Dates


Please make a note of these important dates. Your child’s teacher will send you more information as the date gets closer. The last day of school is Thursday, June 22nd. It is a 12:30pm dismissal. The last day of Extended Care is Friday, June 16th.




Thursday, June 15 


Ms. Edwards at 9am


Ms. Brittany at 10:15am




Friday, June 16


Mrs. Keenan at 8:30am


Mrs. Orlov at 9:30am


Ms. Rodriguez at 10:30am




Tuesday, June 20 at 9am


8th Grade


Saturday, June 17 at 11am







Ms. McCann
